Wednesday, 13 October 2010


Spanish and English

This week we have spoken to 4 Spanish students: Veronica, Luis Javier, Juan Manuel and Miguel. They have explained to us the reasons why English can be a difficult language for them and the resulting mistakes they usually make as Spanish speakers.

The main problem is English pronunciation. Spanish people pronounce each letter they read whilst English people don’t pronounce the words the way they read them.

Spanish speakers also find it difficult to understand verb contractions. For example, “I will go” changes into “I’ll go”...... “I would go” changes into “I’d go”.

These forms don’t exist in Spanish, what makes comprehension more difficult.

As far as verbs are concerned, English verb formation is easier than Spanish verb formation but the English use of tenses is far more complicated. As Veronica explained to us, she always uses one kind of past tense to speak Spanish while in English she has to think about the various possibilities when she speaks in the past.

All of them agree that phrasal verbs are very complex. In Spanish, you don’t have so many uses of just one word. The same happens with prepositions. For instances, in Spanish there is only one preposition to express in, on or at.


At school-En el colegio

In the garden-En el jardín

On the floor-En el suelo

Spanish people also use more words than English people. This probably reflects the outgoing culture of the Spanish nation, whose citizens generally like speaking a lot.

They also made an interesting final observation: it is often not possible to translate English idioms into their own language or to find an equivalent as there are many cultural differences.

For example, Spanish people usually eat 5 times a day and have a specific word for each meal. They can’t find any equivalent in English.

Even if they try to follow the British timetable, it is often difficult for them to have dinner at 6 or 7p.m !

Brimham Rocks and Knaresborough

Trip to Brihmam Rocks and Knaresborough

On the 30th of September, our students went on a trip to Brimham Rocks and Knaresborough. The fifteen students left the College at 8.30 for 1.5 hour journey to Brimham Rocks.

Once they got there, they were able to admire the weird and wonderful shapes of the rocks. Some looked like animals, e.g. elephants, bears, others like mushrooms, all of which owe their shapes to erosion.

After a 2-hour walk the students headed to Knaresborough which is famous for being Mother Shipton's birthplace. She is England's most famous prophetess and most of her prophecies proved to be accurate. The students visited Mother Shipton's Cave and observed the strange phenomenon at the petrifying well which changes objects into stone in only 3 months!

They also made a wish at the wishing well of good fortune while holding a coin in their right hand and throwing it into the well.

Afterwards they were taken on a tour of the museum and gift shop. They finished the day walking up to Knaresborough castle and relaxing before the walk back to the coach!

At the end of the trip, they were really tired but enjoyed this fabulous sunny day!

Students' feedback

I had so much fun on the trip. It was amazing, the weather was lovely and I especially liked the shapes of the rocks at Brihmam Rocks, especially the dancing bear! The group was friendly and we took beautiful pictures.


The trip was very good, the place very nice and the weather was good. I really enjoyed this trip and I hope we will go on another trip soon.
